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Mindi Oaten Art - Blog

2018 New Year | New Assignment

2018 New Year | New Assignment

Happy 2018 everyone! I am so excited to have crossed over into this New Year. This is a year of fresh starts, new doors and digger deeper... for me, beginning with a blank canvas.  I wanted to start off the year by announcing a new creative adventure that I am honoured to be part of.

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2015 - A Year to Celebrate: The Beginning of my Adventure in Art

2015 - A Year to Celebrate: The Beginning of my Adventure in Art


As 2015 comes to close, I can’t help but be extremely thankful for all that I was able to accomplish this year. None of it would have been possible if it wasn’t for God. I know that sounds like a line from an acceptance speech, but in all seriousness, it was all done by the guidance, leading and strength from the Lord.

You know that line, “it’s all who you know” when it comes to advancing… you need to know the right people and at the right time, kind-of-thing? I have to chuckle a little because when you know Jesus, put your life into His hands, He will do remarkable things you can’t even try to accomplish on your own. You don’t have to strive to position yourself, get in front of the “right” people to get a “break,” He is all you need. He makes the paths straight and the doors open. Trust, patience, communication and obedience are all it takes.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

My 2015 is a testimony of this.

It all began with an open door in January. My cousin Kyle texted me a simple message, “Hey it’s your cousin, we are seeing a move of God breaking out in Indiana. The Lord laid you on my heart this morning to come down and prophetic paint on stage. Have you ever done this before? Would you be willing to come?”

Open doors require action. This was an opportunity I couldn’t refuse. No matter how scary that sounded, I knew it was God holding the door wide open to what He’d already prepared for me by speaking to me through a dream, through prophetic words from others, through a shift in my heart and a spoken word to me about returning to my art, that He would take me places if I do it for Him.

The year before I had a hunger for more of God and He sure showed up. I dug into the Word, studied and learned to hear His voice, so what He was preparing me for – something I didn’t dream would actually happen – fell in my lap. When that happens, it’s go time.


One trip and 4 paintings later turned into 11 more trips to 7 different cities in Indiana, 48 paintings and a celebration I’ll never forget. If you told me I would paint in a stadium with over 6,000 people, I would of laughed. There is no way to prepare you for some of the experiences we had in reviveINDIANA.

I remember the first painting, on January 28, 2015, with trembling hands; I got up on stage and took a deep breath. I had only done this twice before, on a much smaller scale and smaller canvas. I really had no idea what I was doing…all I knew was when God is on it, He will be your strength. So, I asked Him to take over my hand, calm my fear and “First Love” came out of it.

Looking back, I find it so fitting that “First Love” was the beginning of my adventure in prophetic art. It will always be a reminder of staying true to my first love, in Jesus Christ. It all starts here.

After reviveINDIANA, we ventured to Mississippi for reviveTUPELO. God opened more doors and I got to see the birthplace of Elvis Presley. It was a site of humbling beginnings and the birthplace of rock n’ roll. Let’s just say, worship was awesome in Tupelo!

In November my husband was able to join me on a cruise we will never forget. Time to Revive was invited to board the Celebrity Summit Cruise line in San Juan, Puerto Rico to reviveSOUTHERNCARIBBEAN islands. This was a perfect time of relaxation, fun in the sun and sharing the Gospel to the people on the islands of Tortola, Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Kitts, and St. Thomas. Painting on a cruiseship was something I would have never dreamed of doing. It was truly unforgettable.


The last trip of 2015 was to Dallas, TX to paint for the Time to Revive annual banquet. “Here We Go” was a prophetic vision to wrap up all we did in 2015 and also launch us into 2016. Pack your bags to go out into the harvest. It’s time.


I completed 56 prophetic paintings in 2015 with Time to Revive. I also did a 30-day mini painting series of rest in my studio. (And completed several commissions during my time home).   I learned to never limit your abilities to accomplish goals. I had no idea I could paint this much art in one year. No clue.

2015 taught me to break off the chain of fear, nothing is impossible for God and with God. I learned perseverance and endurance, how to rest well to keep going, function on little sleep and no preparation. Walk by the Holy Spirit, trusting and learning to hear His voice. I saw the fruit and miracles by walking in obedience to the voice of the Lord. I saw the Body of Christ come together in unity, mobilize, equip and GO OUT to share the love of Jesus. I gained friendships that will last a lifetime, gathered a list of precious people I continue to pray for, and have a greater hunger to see God move and know Him more.

2016 I look forward to new levels. I have great anticipation for what’s coming. As the Body of Christ press into the calling and assignment the Lord has for each and every one of us, we will see the unexpected. We all have a mission field and a calling. The area the Lord has given you talents, dreams and a sphere of influence right where you are…is your mission. If He’s given you dreams and desires for more, ask Him to line up the path for your destiny. Be patient in His timing, it is perfect.

THANK YOU to all who supported me this year! Thank you for collecting little treasures of my art, for the prayer support from so many of you and the encouragement.

2016… Here We Go! I’m so pumped.

Blessing for a fabulous, adventurous NEW YEAR!

All Glory to Him,


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Reviving Tupelo, Mississippi | Hunger for God to Move

Last week I had the privilege of traveling to Tupelo, MS to prophetic paint with Time to Revive. It was an incredible time. We experienced the Lord move in a mighty way. I love watching and being part of the body of Christ come together in unity. It is the most powerful thing to experience…not about one person, about one denomination or an event; it’s about the common core of our faith…Jesus.

The first night I arrived, I painted “Come to the Table”. I received this vision a few days before heading to Tupelo. As I was praying for the area, the Lord showed me a picture of an empty wooden table in a field. He said, “Come. Come to the table and bring nothing but yourself.” I felt the significance of the table being in a field. It was outside, in His kingdom not in a building. It's an invitation right in front of us, waiting for fellowship with the Spirit. As believers we carry the Kingdom wherever we go. Come to the table, just yourself. He prepares the table before you. Empty yourself so the Holy Spirit can move through you. Often times it’s not the way we think or want in our human flesh, the Lord has different plans – much better plans than what we come up with. Empty yourself from agenda’s, plans, meetings, “the way we do things” and just come with hunger for God to move. Let God be God.

The second day I was there, I kept seeing a mental picture of a door. There was this open door in the Spirit and all we have to do is open it and walk through. This requires action and obeidence.  The door represented different layers of openings. First the open door to those who meet Jesus for the first time. Scripture says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.” (Revelation 3:20) Jesus is waiting patiently, knocking at the door for salvation, forgiveness, freedom and life. This door is for every person who enters. The second layer I felt was for the Church to open the door of breakthrough of more in the Spirit. Cast out strongholds and step into a deeper level of breakthrough in the Spirit. The door of humility and unity. At the end of the day we all enter the Kingdom through the same door, the door of the simple Gospel.

The third night was so much fun. The day before I went to Elvis Presley’s childhood home. What a humbling site of small beginnings. Our worship leader, Jon and I had a wonderful discussion on worship that evening. I had a vision of black and white guitar exploding into color as it played. The Lord spoke to me about a breakthrough in the area of worship for the region. It was one of those “doors” for breakthrough. Reviving old roots of music, which is so strong to this area, it is the “birthplace of America’s music” after all.   The key was to worship in unity, let everything go and simply worship with one voice. That morning in prayer time, Kyle felt the Lord wanted to release an impartation of worship. Wow. As we worshiped I felt angels with fire dropping on all those who were open to receive a deeper level for the heart of worship. It was a morning I will never forget. A new sound. 

The fourth day I woke up with a violent stomach attack. It wasn’t very fun, but I rested through it and took the day to read the Word and pray for a word to paint that evening. In the later afternoon, I felt the urge to go outside for fresh air. I didn’t realize the door locked behind me, so I found myself locked out of the house. Before I panicked I felt the Lord had a reason for me to be out there…I was forced to sit outside in His presence. It was the most beautiful time I’ve had in a long time. I look around at my surroundings, a yard full of towering oak trees. They were magificent and huge. The Lord spoke to me about the army of rising oaks. He spoke of the component of planting seeds in good soil for deep roots to run. With the heartbeat of discipleship emerging, the roots grow deep and can't be shaken. It was a sweet time where I was assured of the word He spoke to me a month earlier of “roots to run.” “Display His Splendor” was a painting that came out of simply being in the beauty of my surroundings and communicating with the Lord. God speaks to us in such amazing ways. He is very creative in connecting the dots.

Lastly, I painted “Pouring Out,” a picture of what I saw in the Spirit over the people of Tupelo and beyond. As they unite stronger and stronger with the simple Gospel, the Holy Spirit will keep pouring out His mighty living water. It was refreshing to paint. 

I am grateful for Tupelo! Humbled and thankful to be part of a small piece of a greater plan God is unfolding. Thank you Tupelo for the warm welcome and amazing time. May God continue the spark and ignite revival throughout the Church…

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reviveINDIANA Celebration: the end, but just the beginning

reviveINDIANA Celebration: the end, but just the beginning

Last weekend we marked the end of reviveINDIANA with a statewide celebration. What a party it was! With only 4 short days to pull off an event where 6,000 people gathered was nothing short of a miracle.   God came through in a mighty way. The Memorial Coliseum in Fort Wayne was filled with the Holy Spirit for an evening of praise and testimonies of the power of Jesus touching lives all over Indiana. All the communities came together in celebration. This may be the end of the TTR team physically there, but it’s just the beginning of the lifestyle it created. There are 19 stars to come, local pastors and leaders taking charge to reach 19 more communities in the spread of revival. Going back to old wineskins is not an option for those who were touched. The fire of unity in the Church and going outside the walls is just the beginning.

"Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, 'We have seen remarkable things today.'" - Luke 5:26

As for myself, I look back on the whole experience in amazement of what the Lord has done. The promises the Lord has fulfilled in such a short period of time blows my mind.   It all started with a simple dream and a burning desire to want God to be REAL in my life. Well… He is more real than you can imagine! I’ve grown and been stretched in ways only He could have given strength and ability to accomplish.

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us," (Ephesians 3:20)

- 7 months traveling to Indiana

- 196 days of revive

- 7 different cities/regions visited

- 2,576 salvations (that were recorded)

- 10 airplane flights there and back home

- 46 prophetic paintings completed

- 4 words to live by: love, listen, discern, respond

- 4 more words: pray, eat, revive, repeat

Thank you Indiana for the wonderful memories and training ground for only more wonder to come! I am beyond grateful to the Time to Revive team for becoming my extended family along with so many Hoosiers that I will always keep in touch with. And most importantly a HUGE thank you to my husband and children who supported me with prayer, love and sacrifice beyond measure.  Without them I couldn't have done this call on my life. God’s family continues to grow…until next time, blessings!



To view the entire collection of prophetic paintings I did while in Indiana, click here


Celebration Sale extends until August 1, 2015.

All Glory to God.

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Brush Strokes from Heaven, Painting in the Rain – Fort Wayne, IN

"Let my teaching fall on you like rain." (Deut. 32:2)

Home again for a few short days before heading back to Fort Wayne, IN. This past week was incredible watching God move in mighty ways. I had one of the most refreshing experiences on Saturday night, painting in the rain for the very first time. The evening service with reviveINDIANA had a surprise; Kyle Martin announced that we were all going to head out on the streets to share the Gospel. The entire crowd broke up into 150 teams of 4 people to go share the Good News of Jesus Christ. I normally paint every night in the evening services, so naturally I would take my painting outside to join in the fun. Well, this would be a first.




When we arrived at the park to set up, it was pouring. We found a little shed for shelter from the rain and waited for over an hour. Not sure whether to pack up and go or wait out the rain, a group of us stood out in the sprinkles and prayed. I had a quick vision of myself painting in the rain, and felt the Holy Spirit say, “paint with me in the rain.” As soon as we finished praying, I bolted over to my supplies and quickly set up under the shed. And went for it. I let the raindrops hit my canvas, collaborating with my brush strokes. I’ve never had such a freeing experience. Thank you Lord for your blessing and raindrops. You teach me more and more everyday when I let go and let you create with me.



Thank you to Tim and Ken for helping me load up and hang out. We had so much fun. Thank you to my new group of friends, the homeless gentlemen at the park, for helping me set up also. We all enjoyed the rain and sharing stories.


Off again tomorrow with my family to the reviveINDIANA celebration! Expecting mighty miracles and awesome things the Lord will do.

Bless you all and I highly recommend painting in the rain.

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Reviving Fort Wayne, IN - Week One

What a week in Fort Wayne, IN! There is a special favor from the Lord over this city. Years and years of diligent people praying for revival are coming to life. The Lord is singing a new song in this place.

I love how God works and speaks to me about each location we go into. Sitting down to write this blog, I reviewed the 4 paintings God placed in my heart to paint here. I went through each theme and love how the story line always fits the city without me knowing ahead what’s going on. That is the adventure of trusting what He shows me and taking the risk to go for it! I often get impressions or visions of paintings as I pray before going into a city. I never know how they will weave into God’s plan there.   God is always faithful and so much fun.

A New Song: God is singing a new song! And so must we. The Lord reminded me of listening closely to what He is doing through the wind of His Spirit. The birds and all creation sing praises.

Fort Wayne is home of “Sweetwater.” Sweetwater is one of the United States' largest dealers in musical equipment for musicians, recording studios, schools, house of worship, concert sounds companies and broadcasters.   On a drive through the city, worship leader Jon Russell and I, took a meander through this magnificent headquarters. New songs coming out of this place, for sure!

Living Water: I had in my journal this waterfall and river idea for months. I held onto it for every city, with no clear go ahead to paint it until that day in Fort Wayne. I prayed only hours before going on stage for a clear vision from the Lord, as I had nothing all day. Then I heard Him say, “Today is the day for the waterfall.”


That evening was one of the more intense Holy Spirit outpourings in the place. The pastor who stood up to speak was from the “3 Rivers” church. (I had no idea) And a healing night broke out as the Holy Spirit swept through with His water, cleansing, healing and restoring His people. Fort Wayne also had a “3 Rivers Festival” all weekend.

We are One: I knew ahead that the city was known as the ‘city of churches.’ There is something unique about Fort Wayne and it’s rich history in churches. I knew I had to visually declare the Church coming together in unity as one masterpiece for God’s glory. This night was incredible! God brought ALL the people, young and old, together for an evening with a prophetic word over the whole crowd, “will you marry Jesus tonight?’ We all prophetically walked down the aisle to present ourselves to Jesus in union to unite together with Him. It was a beautiful night.

Apple Delight: Fort Wayne is the resting place of Johnny Appleseed. He was an American legend while still alive, due to his kind, generous ways, his leadership in conservation, and the symbolic importance he attributed to apples. He was also a missionary for The New Church and the inspiration for many museums and historical sites.

I heard the Lord tell me to paint a piece of apple pie. At first I laughed a little, but when He said, “full circle” to me, I knew what it meant. We are to take the seeds planted before us and ‘make’ something delightful with it. Share it! It is a whimsical picture of discipleship and creating something with what we’ve been given. Taste and see that the Lord is good.

I’m sitting in Chicago airport waiting for my connection to fly BACK to Fort Wayne. The Lord wasn’t finished with us there… I’m so excited for what we will encounter with His goodness this week! Stay tuned. Bless you all.

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Child-like Faith, My experience painting with children.

Home again after a 10-day trip with Revive Indiana to the Northwest Region and Terre Haute. The Lord continues to open my eyes to new things, teaching me more as I rely on Him. I am finding a greater love for painting each time I step on stage. When I reflect on what impacted me the most from my time in Terre Haute, I would have to say it was the experience I had painting with kids.

Going into Terre Haute I felt the nudge to switch it up a little. The Lord lay on my heart to paint with children. So I did. For two evenings I painted with a few of the team members kids beside me on stage. I’m not sure who got more out of the experience, the kids or I. I was moved to tears after the first night. It took me out of my normal and gave me a different perspective of prophetic painting, turning my attention more on the girls rather than focusing on myself. I was so proud of the girls as they came with child-like faith and poured their heart out on canvas. It was incredible!



No matter what age, we can all hear from our loving Heavenly Father. Kids have such a simple faith in Him; they don’t over complicate things, but trust in reliance on His lead. We all prayed and listened before heading on stage. I told the girls to listen to what God wanted them to paint. The youngest, 6 year-old Selah Martin, said she had a picture of flowers in a vase. When I asked her what God said about the flowers, she replied, “It is like the people coming together in Indiana, all together as one.” How precious. We all decided to paint beautiful flowers in our own way to represent the new thing God is doing in Indiana. The Body of Christ coming together to share the Gospel and love of Jesus.  



I titled my painting, “Budding Joy” because I felt the joy of the Lord all around us painting. He was smiling down on us with His mighty love as He watched little ones paint in worship. I saw budding joy coming out of the kids and also myself. I learned so much from this experience. To let go, have fun, take His lead. I also have a new passion to see and teach children that they too can hear the voice of the Lord and use it in creativity.

The second night I painted with teenager, Elisabeth Goodwin, and the Lord showed her a picture of an eagle soaring. It was so awesome because that night I felt to paint a feather with the opposite message of hers. Without either of us knowing what the other was to paint. They worked together beautifully.


Thank you Selah Martin, Lilly Werner and Elisabeth Goodwin for having the courage and faith to worship the Lord using your creative gifts. Your hearts astound me as well as the skill the Lord has given each one of you.

All Glory to God.

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"Release" - my experience in NW Indiana

For the past 4 days I’ve had the privilege of joining the ReviveINDIANA team in Gary to revive the Northwest Region of Indiana. What a beautiful transformation the Lord is doing in that area. We saw miraculous doors open as the Spirit moved throughout the region. The unity was so refreshing between all the pastors; the breakthrough of unspoken division and racial reconciliation was evident. We were able to send teams to 13 fire stations to pray and bless the firemen. Teams were also invited to police stations in the area. And the Prison opened their doors for a group of men to go share with the inmates. One side of the law to the other, the Lord is moving in power through this place.


I want to share with you the painting I was inspired to declare last night, as we closed our last evening together in NWI. I called it, “Release.” The Lord showed me a picture of a butterfly earlier in the morning when I went out on the streets with a team. Another guy on the team, Danny, heard the word “hill” from the Lord. We ventured off to see where the Lord would lead us. We past a trailer park called “Hillcrest” and Danny felt it was the place we should go. We drove around and saw numerous trailers with butterfly garden ornaments. We tried a few homes, but no one was home. As we were about to leave, a woman on our team, Lela, walked towards the end of the road with Danny. They ran into a couple and asked to pray. The wife immediately got off the phone and held out her hand as Lela prayed for her. She was ready and willing to receive. Her husband shared of being in prison, losing his job, losing their home and they willingly gave up their kids to the state because they couldn't properly care for them. They are now on the road to a new life, fought for their kids back and were greatly impacted by the love and prayer from Danny and Lela. It was a beautiful moment where God touched their hearts and gave them hope for a new future where He leads.

As Danny and Lela were praying, John and I were waiting in the car and praying, visiting and sharing our own stories of how God transformed our lives. As we looked outside, there were butterflies flying all around. As I watched one flutter by with gorgeous white wings, I knew this was where God wanted us to be. Danny, Lela and Rich (the camera guy) came back to the car, they shared of the encounter and the kicker of it all…

Both the husband and wife had butterfly tattoos.

What a wonderful confirmation that we were lead by the Holy Spirit to give hope to a couple that was planned ahead before us. Walking with Jesus is an amazing adventure when we rely on Him to lead.  


That evening I painted a message of new life transformed through Christ, being set free in Him. We watched a video of the prison experience and were able to witness God setting the “captives free” behind bars. You can be free physically, but in captivity spiritually bound by sin and death.  Or the opposite; locked up behind bars with the assurance of everlasting life and the freedom in Christ with the hope of a transformed life. Jesus came to set the captives free.  We have complete freedom and life in Him.  While painting the butterflies, I felt to paint three with significant positions. One butterfly is still in the jar, the next is resting on the edge and the third is flying free. What position are you currently with the Lord?

"The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me,
Because the Lord has anointed me
To bring good news to the afflicted;
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to captives
And freedom to prisoners;
To proclaim the favorable year of the Lord
And the day of vengeance of our God;
To comfort all who mourn,
To grant those who mourn in Zion,
Giving them a garland instead of ashes,
The oil of gladness instead of mourning,
The mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting.
So they will be called oaks of righteousness,
The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified." (NASB, Isaiah 61:1-3)

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