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Mindi Oaten Art - Blog

Reviving Fort Wayne, IN - Week One

What a week in Fort Wayne, IN! There is a special favor from the Lord over this city. Years and years of diligent people praying for revival are coming to life. The Lord is singing a new song in this place.

I love how God works and speaks to me about each location we go into. Sitting down to write this blog, I reviewed the 4 paintings God placed in my heart to paint here. I went through each theme and love how the story line always fits the city without me knowing ahead what’s going on. That is the adventure of trusting what He shows me and taking the risk to go for it! I often get impressions or visions of paintings as I pray before going into a city. I never know how they will weave into God’s plan there.   God is always faithful and so much fun.

A New Song: God is singing a new song! And so must we. The Lord reminded me of listening closely to what He is doing through the wind of His Spirit. The birds and all creation sing praises.

Fort Wayne is home of “Sweetwater.” Sweetwater is one of the United States' largest dealers in musical equipment for musicians, recording studios, schools, house of worship, concert sounds companies and broadcasters.   On a drive through the city, worship leader Jon Russell and I, took a meander through this magnificent headquarters. New songs coming out of this place, for sure!

Living Water: I had in my journal this waterfall and river idea for months. I held onto it for every city, with no clear go ahead to paint it until that day in Fort Wayne. I prayed only hours before going on stage for a clear vision from the Lord, as I had nothing all day. Then I heard Him say, “Today is the day for the waterfall.”


That evening was one of the more intense Holy Spirit outpourings in the place. The pastor who stood up to speak was from the “3 Rivers” church. (I had no idea) And a healing night broke out as the Holy Spirit swept through with His water, cleansing, healing and restoring His people. Fort Wayne also had a “3 Rivers Festival” all weekend.

We are One: I knew ahead that the city was known as the ‘city of churches.’ There is something unique about Fort Wayne and it’s rich history in churches. I knew I had to visually declare the Church coming together in unity as one masterpiece for God’s glory. This night was incredible! God brought ALL the people, young and old, together for an evening with a prophetic word over the whole crowd, “will you marry Jesus tonight?’ We all prophetically walked down the aisle to present ourselves to Jesus in union to unite together with Him. It was a beautiful night.

Apple Delight: Fort Wayne is the resting place of Johnny Appleseed. He was an American legend while still alive, due to his kind, generous ways, his leadership in conservation, and the symbolic importance he attributed to apples. He was also a missionary for The New Church and the inspiration for many museums and historical sites.

I heard the Lord tell me to paint a piece of apple pie. At first I laughed a little, but when He said, “full circle” to me, I knew what it meant. We are to take the seeds planted before us and ‘make’ something delightful with it. Share it! It is a whimsical picture of discipleship and creating something with what we’ve been given. Taste and see that the Lord is good.

I’m sitting in Chicago airport waiting for my connection to fly BACK to Fort Wayne. The Lord wasn’t finished with us there… I’m so excited for what we will encounter with His goodness this week! Stay tuned. Bless you all.

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Mindi Oaten Art - Website Launch

I am so excited to introduce my new website!  This has been a quick process and slow one all at the same time.  Last summer I had a wake up experience, where I heard clearly from the Lord, to un-cover my buried passion of art and get at it again, 13 years later.  This time something was different, I would approach my art in a new way, as a message of inspiration.  A declaration of God's goodness.  To inspire and give to others through my act of creative worship.  

There was a time where I was more concerned with what to paint, then just to do it.  That fear kept me in bondage to create for over a decade.  I pondered thoughts like "what would people like?" or  "what would sell?" Then I had a moment of clarity from the Father, I stared out the window, turned my attention to the Lord and he said so clearly to me, "Don't worry about others, just paint and create what I've designed you to appreciate, to love, to see.  Just enjoy the process with me.  I've got this with you."  And in that moment, I had a sense of peace.  A breathe of fresh air hit my soul and I could run, dream and be excited about the little things.  I don't need to come up with complicated ideas.  Just paint in tune with the Holy Spirit living within me.  That's all I need. 

The doors began to open at the beginning of 2015.  It's been an exciting adventure ever since.  I currently prophetic paint with a ministry called Time to Revive.  We are jumping all in with pursuit of reviving the state of Indiana.  It is incredible what God is doing there.

I want to thank my incredible husband for all the insane hours of hard work he puts in to help me with this. Without his amazing support I wouldn't be able to pursue this calling.  Thank you Cory.  God put us together for a reason.

I hope you enjoy and begin this crazy journey with me and my art.  God Bless you all today!

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