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Mindi Oaten Art - Blog

2015 - A Year to Celebrate: The Beginning of my Adventure in Art

2015 - A Year to Celebrate: The Beginning of my Adventure in Art


As 2015 comes to close, I can’t help but be extremely thankful for all that I was able to accomplish this year. None of it would have been possible if it wasn’t for God. I know that sounds like a line from an acceptance speech, but in all seriousness, it was all done by the guidance, leading and strength from the Lord.

You know that line, “it’s all who you know” when it comes to advancing… you need to know the right people and at the right time, kind-of-thing? I have to chuckle a little because when you know Jesus, put your life into His hands, He will do remarkable things you can’t even try to accomplish on your own. You don’t have to strive to position yourself, get in front of the “right” people to get a “break,” He is all you need. He makes the paths straight and the doors open. Trust, patience, communication and obedience are all it takes.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

My 2015 is a testimony of this.

It all began with an open door in January. My cousin Kyle texted me a simple message, “Hey it’s your cousin, we are seeing a move of God breaking out in Indiana. The Lord laid you on my heart this morning to come down and prophetic paint on stage. Have you ever done this before? Would you be willing to come?”

Open doors require action. This was an opportunity I couldn’t refuse. No matter how scary that sounded, I knew it was God holding the door wide open to what He’d already prepared for me by speaking to me through a dream, through prophetic words from others, through a shift in my heart and a spoken word to me about returning to my art, that He would take me places if I do it for Him.

The year before I had a hunger for more of God and He sure showed up. I dug into the Word, studied and learned to hear His voice, so what He was preparing me for – something I didn’t dream would actually happen – fell in my lap. When that happens, it’s go time.


One trip and 4 paintings later turned into 11 more trips to 7 different cities in Indiana, 48 paintings and a celebration I’ll never forget. If you told me I would paint in a stadium with over 6,000 people, I would of laughed. There is no way to prepare you for some of the experiences we had in reviveINDIANA.

I remember the first painting, on January 28, 2015, with trembling hands; I got up on stage and took a deep breath. I had only done this twice before, on a much smaller scale and smaller canvas. I really had no idea what I was doing…all I knew was when God is on it, He will be your strength. So, I asked Him to take over my hand, calm my fear and “First Love” came out of it.

Looking back, I find it so fitting that “First Love” was the beginning of my adventure in prophetic art. It will always be a reminder of staying true to my first love, in Jesus Christ. It all starts here.

After reviveINDIANA, we ventured to Mississippi for reviveTUPELO. God opened more doors and I got to see the birthplace of Elvis Presley. It was a site of humbling beginnings and the birthplace of rock n’ roll. Let’s just say, worship was awesome in Tupelo!

In November my husband was able to join me on a cruise we will never forget. Time to Revive was invited to board the Celebrity Summit Cruise line in San Juan, Puerto Rico to reviveSOUTHERNCARIBBEAN islands. This was a perfect time of relaxation, fun in the sun and sharing the Gospel to the people on the islands of Tortola, Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Kitts, and St. Thomas. Painting on a cruiseship was something I would have never dreamed of doing. It was truly unforgettable.


The last trip of 2015 was to Dallas, TX to paint for the Time to Revive annual banquet. “Here We Go” was a prophetic vision to wrap up all we did in 2015 and also launch us into 2016. Pack your bags to go out into the harvest. It’s time.


I completed 56 prophetic paintings in 2015 with Time to Revive. I also did a 30-day mini painting series of rest in my studio. (And completed several commissions during my time home).   I learned to never limit your abilities to accomplish goals. I had no idea I could paint this much art in one year. No clue.

2015 taught me to break off the chain of fear, nothing is impossible for God and with God. I learned perseverance and endurance, how to rest well to keep going, function on little sleep and no preparation. Walk by the Holy Spirit, trusting and learning to hear His voice. I saw the fruit and miracles by walking in obedience to the voice of the Lord. I saw the Body of Christ come together in unity, mobilize, equip and GO OUT to share the love of Jesus. I gained friendships that will last a lifetime, gathered a list of precious people I continue to pray for, and have a greater hunger to see God move and know Him more.

2016 I look forward to new levels. I have great anticipation for what’s coming. As the Body of Christ press into the calling and assignment the Lord has for each and every one of us, we will see the unexpected. We all have a mission field and a calling. The area the Lord has given you talents, dreams and a sphere of influence right where you are…is your mission. If He’s given you dreams and desires for more, ask Him to line up the path for your destiny. Be patient in His timing, it is perfect.

THANK YOU to all who supported me this year! Thank you for collecting little treasures of my art, for the prayer support from so many of you and the encouragement.

2016… Here We Go! I’m so pumped.

Blessing for a fabulous, adventurous NEW YEAR!

All Glory to Him,


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