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How do you transition into “normal” life after 7 months of reviveIndiana?

It feels like a time warp since I've last been home longer than a couple days or week at a time.  Coming home from a hectic schedule traveling can be a little strange. How do I get back to “normal” life at home? Before we left Indiana, we had a team debrief. We discussed Matthew 11:28 and what it means to ‘Come to Me, all who are weary, and I will give you rest.’ The team went through this back in April with a 30-day break, where I ended up painting a 30-day mini series, one painting everyday, during that time for my rest. Here we are again with another “rest” time period to get “back to normal” from an intense revival schedule over the past 3 months.

We all were asked some of the ways we take time to rest with Jesus. One of the ways I spend time with Jesus is to paint and clean while listening to worship.   Although cleaning doesn’t sound very restful, it takes my mind off of things and focuses my attention to a task with a result. I always feel so great after things are cleaned, and it’s also a necessary reality that has to get done. After that much time away from home, not focusing on the upkeep in our house, the projects have piled up. I felt a little overwhelmed with all the maintenance the house desperately needs. Not only had I let things go while away for the past 7 months, but also we’ve let things pile up over 8 years of living in a home with the wear and tear of life. Luckily, one of my resting times is to clean, so what better way to get back to normal than doing some house cleaning/reno projects.

That’s just what we did this past week. My amazing husband is so talented at building things I dream up, I'm sure he was so thrilled, haha. We cleared out the back closet area, which was a catch all for junk… and turned it into a locker for the kids to get organized before school. While we were at it, we also finished painting our main level a fresh, cream palette that I’ve always dreamed of living in. Some would say I’m nuts to want an all white home with three boys, but I’m not waiting 16 more years for that! It was such a great feeling of accomplishment, amazing time worshiping God with music blasting, hanging with my husband and kids and getting stuff done! Yeah. I also have new wall space to frame my little reminders of some of the art I’ve done. Reminders of God’s joy, covering, beauty, love, healing and to have childlike faith.

This one project has kind-of created a list a mile long for the rest of the house.  Oops!  Stay tuned for more house projects and fresh inspiration.

 How do you find time to rest with the Lord? What inspires fresh ideas, productivity and creativity?

When I find life getting a little too hectic, I can’t think straight or feel overwhelmed, I take time to do a little project, clean out something, create somehow…even if it’s something productive like baking cookies. It breaks the stronghold of procrastination, worry and the heaviness of “too much” and creates momentum to move forward with something productive. Give your worries and burdens to Him and let Him turn them into joy and creativity.

Comments on this post (2)

  • Aug 06, 2015

    Love your art at painting

    — Delbert/. Ruby slabaugh

  • Aug 06, 2015

    Thank you Mindi for this insightful post. I can relate to this one. After moving with two young children, and trying to adjust into a new life, while having to make a rental home your own, I get it. It dawned on me that 1) being a stay at home mom is the most challenging job in the world 2) the home is not only your physical but truly, emotional epicentre in a family and 3) I am now addicted to Diet Coke, as a means of keeping me energized enough to accomplish the seemingly never-ending tasks of running a family. I am not as spiritually
    devout as my sister, Mindi is (I think I used to be but not now) but I respect your/her absoluteness in pursuing these reno projects, art business, and ultimately, her ministry participation. Nice work! As for me, I pray when I feel lost. I have been praying more often and know that it helps.

    — Kayleigh Hall

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