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"Let the Little Children Come"



Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”  Matthew 19:14


With tender compassion and a heart full of boundless warmth, Jesus extended his arms to the little ones, inviting them into his radiant presence.

As the gentle shepherd of souls, he recognized the innate purity and innocence that resides in children, a purity that mirrors the very essence of divinity itself. In that sacred moment, the cares and complexities of adulthood melted away, leaving only the radiant light of youthful wonder and unbridled joy.

With each child who approached, Jesus shared not only his presence but also a profound lesson for all of humanity. He imparted a truth so deep and universal: "Unless you become like these little children, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

In those simple yet weighty words, Jesus revealed a deep spiritual insight that transcends time and place. He reminded us that it is in our childlike qualities – qualities of trust, humility, and unending curiosity – that we find our pathway. Just as children approach life with open hearts, unburdened by the weight of past regrets or future anxieties, so too should we approach our spiritual journey knowing Jesus has our hand.

This invitation is an eternal reminder that, regardless of our age or station in life, we should endeavor to embrace the purity of heart, the boundless wonder, and the unshakable faith of children. It is a call to shed the burdens of ego, pride, and skepticism and instead to be like little children, basking in the light of God's love with a trust that transcends doubt.


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