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"Hail, King of the Jews"

Hail, King of the Jews painting, Crown of Thorns painting, Mindi Oaten Art, Bible Art, Purple Robe and crown of thorns


"Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged. The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head. They clothed him in a purple robe and went up to him again and again, saying, “Hail, king of the Jews!” And they slapped him in the face." John 19: 1-3

In the tapestry of this painting, the canvas speaks a thousand silent words of agony and irony. Here stands Jesus, enshrouded in a robe of purple—the color of nobility, worn by emperors and kings, now draped over his shoulders in bitter jest. This garment, meant to mock, unwittingly bestows truth upon the wearer. For though his accusers cloaked him in sarcasm, history and faith would reveal him to be the sovereign over all, the anointed King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Upon his brow rests a crown, not woven from the gold of earthly wealth, but from the thorns of earthly pain. It digs into his skin, a cruel and mocking coronation by the soldiers who see a man to scorn, not a king to worship. Their salute, a hollow gesture, fails to see the solemn reality: that before them stands the ruler of an everlasting kingdom, whose reign transcends time and whose throne is upheld by justice and mercy.

Amidst this moment of mockery and misery, a single butterfly—a Monarch—lands with the utmost grace, its wings a delicate reprieve in the midst of chaos. This gentle creature offers a silent witness to the scene, a tender act of compassion towards its Creator in his hour of sorrow. The Monarch, renowned for its transformative journey, symbolizes the imminent resurrection, the metamorphosis of despair into hope, of death into life.

The blood, a visceral red, trickles down his chest, reminiscent of the arteries of his heart—a heart beating with an unfathomable love for humanity. The blood flows freely, exposed for all to see, a symbol of the ultimate sacrifice Jesus was to make. It speaks to the paradox of the cross: an instrument of torture that became the fulcrum of salvation, a sign of defeat that heralded an eternal victory.




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