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"Liberty & Justice for All"

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"Liberty & Justice for All"
"Liberty & Justice for All" | 30" x 40" Original Art
November 2020


“Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him.” Isaiah 30:18 

“For I the Lord love justice; I hate robbery and wrong; I will faithfully give them their recompense, and I will make an everlasting covenant with them.” Isaiah 61:8

“Blessed are they who observe justice, who do righteousness at all times!” Psalm 106: 3


Painting as prayer... I've been praying for the United States and had this sketched in my sketchbook over a year ago, maybe longer.  Leading up to the elections, God put this sketch back on my heart to paint as intercession for the USA.  I never got it finished before the elections and was disappointed, but I didn't know what it would look like on the other side of the election... and the nation needs more prayer than ever for that matter to be resolved.  I heard the Lord again, paint as you pray.

This is the painting that came out of the time... complete on USA Thanksgiving.  


This is a painting symbolizing the identity of the United States of America.  I added elements that symbolize the American portrait, it's God given heritage and sound.  Justice reigns and Liberty rings.  Sound the trumpet!  Awaken and stand firm, take your positions for what the Lord has planned in this mighty nation.  He's given you the trumpet blast... time to mobilize and take back the land for the Lord.  Founded on Biblical truth, aligned with Israel.  Shine your light across the world!  Be drawn into the rose garden and walk with the Lord, hear his voice and feel his presence.   

Let freedom ring!  Liberty!  "Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Chronicles 3:17.  Out of your brokenness, you will be lifted up with greater authority and power from the Lord.  His glory will shine through you.    

"Proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants." Leviticus 25:10


The Flag:

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."  


Liberty Bell:

The sound ringing across the nation of freedom.  Liberty!  “Where the spirit of the LORD is, there is freedom.”  The bell is cracked and broken, out of brokenness comes revival.  The humble will be first and the proud last.  When America is broken before the Lord and put him first in the land once again, the new sound will ring with greater power! 

 “For thus says the high and exalted One who lives forever, whose name is Holy, “I dwell on a high and holy place, and also with the contrite and lowly of spirit in order to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.” Isaiah 57:15

“For My hand made all these things, thus all these things came into being,” declares the Lord. “But to this one I will look, to him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word.” Isaiah 66:2


The Justice Scale:

Justice is woven into the fabric of this nation.  A Biblical foundation of justice.  Praying for justice to be done, truth to be brought into the light, and the Justice of the Lord to be served.



A nation founded on God’s word.  The word must come back into this nation.  A return of the Word of God, a return of Truth.  



Law and order. May law and order be preserved, upheld and provide protection to the people.


The Rose Garden:

The national flower of the United States. On November 20, 1986, President Ronald Reagan declared the rose our National Flower in a special ceremony in the White House Rose Garden. The proclamation reads, in part:

More often than any other flower, we hold the rose dear as the symbol of life and love and devotion, of beauty and eternity… We see proofs of this everywhere. The study of fossils reveals that the rose has existed in America for age upon age… Our first President, George Washington, bred roses… The White House itself boasts a beautiful Rose Garden. We grow roses in all our fifty States… We decorate our celebrations and parades with roses. Most of all, we present roses to those we love, and we lavish them on our altars, our civil shrines, and the final resting places of our honored dead.

Be drawn into the secret place of the garden America, hear and experience his presence, the Lord walking with you in the garden. 


The Trumpet:

Sound the alarm!  Awaken from slumber, stand in position.  Prepare to march forward.  The Lord is sounding the trumpet!  He has been for the last four years, time to unify America and come into alignment with the plans of the Lord.  He’s given you the trumpet blast… wake up and fight!  The Lord is returning, take your place in the war of nations to hold fast to God’s plans.  He is returning!


The Feathers:

This represents the Holy Spirit, the Godhead, the trinity (3 feathers) and the angelic assistance over this nation.  He will cover you with his feathers, he will protect those who call upon the name of the LORD.  “Glory and honor are in his presence; strength and joy are in His place.”  Give glory and shouts of praises to His holy name.  He is with you.


The Candle:

The light has come.  You are a city on a hill, burning brightly.  Do not let your light go out, put it on a lampstand for all to see.  Shine in the darkness.  Burning for the Lord, those who believe carry the light of life. 


The Prayer Shawl & Olive Branch:

The United States stands with Israel.  Praying for the peace of Jerusalem.  You are grafted into the tree, a sheep nation in the last days.  Become a mighty nation of prayer.   

 click here for your own Fine Art Print of this painting... a great reminder to pray for this nation.  

Standing in prayer with the United States of America,

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